Family Game Night

When I was growing up Monday evenings were always set aside for Family Home Evening.  It was part of our religion and Monday evenings became a time each week where as a family we discussed religious topics, played games and planned our activities for the next week.

Family Home Evening was actually an answer to creating family unity long before its time.  Recent years have found people desperately searching for ways to escape the many demands of our active lifestyles.

Remember the movement a few years ago that started in Ridgewood, New Jersey?  "Ready, Set, Rest" was created when worn out parents decided that for one night, every week, there would be no sports, no extra curricular activities and no homework.  After a year of community involvement and planning, every Tuesday evening became family night.

It doesn't really matter what evening is family night.  What is important is that it occurs.  It is important for children to feel the comfort of home and have a break from their never ending extracurricular activities.  It is important to have time where individuals are not expected to be somewhere else.  This gives the entire family a chance to slow down and relax.

Communication flows easier when individuals are focused on something rather than just talking.  The next time you are taking a walk with a friend, notice how much easier it is to talk about important issues than when you are just sitting together in a room talking.  Some companies have even started to hold meetings while walking.

It is amazing how quickly I catch up with things going on in my daughters lives as they easily chat while we are playing games.  We laugh, talk and enjoy our time together.

Playing games has become a habit in our family and it doesn't necessarily occur only on Monday evenings.  Through the years we have collected a large number of games and it has become such a wonderful relaxed tradition that the girls are often pulling out a game after dinner.  It doesn't take long to play a quick round of Tile Rummy or Letterflip and the benefits of reconnecting during this time together are invaluable.

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